Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's Hard to Become a Good Writer...

Mr. Jaferi asked the class to come up with a blog about the difficulties we faced during writing. Thank you very much sir, this is a very good way of understanding why students have difficulties in writing, especially poems.

From my experience, in order to come up with a good and adorable piece of writing, the subject matter, or idea is essential. And, the idea must be great. How do I get the best idea to present in my writing? That is the important part that I think is a factor that hinders me from the ability to write better. I always find myself in a situation where I have mind block, and I just could not think of a good idea to write about. Actually, there were times when my mind works eficiently, but in writing literature works like poems, it just did not come to my head.

Another problem that I do face during writing is wordlessness. No words comes to mind. I admit that I don't like reading books very much, and I think that is the contributing factor towards my lack of vocabulary. Well, how do I overcome this? I would like to be able to read books everyday, especially novels. But, I don't quite have the time. I do read novels during semester breaks though. Well, I think I have to push and encourage myself to make reading my routine. Although I seldom read novels, but I do read newspapers everyday. Can that help? I've heard that "Readers Digest" is also a good form of megazine to read in order to be good in English composition. I'll try every way I can to improve myself.

Hmm, I think those are the two major things that lead to my difficulty in writing in English. Writing poems are my greatest worries, since the words needed to be used should not be too straight forward. I hope that my friends can help me in overcoming myworries and difficulties.

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