Wednesday, August 6, 2008

..Early reading exposure..

This week, I was asked to write a blog on my childhood reading experience. The topic was good, as I can share with people my favourite childhood authors and my favourite childhood book series. To compare myself now and years ago during my childhood days, I read plenty more books back then. I do not know how and why I really pleasured reading during my primary school days. In fact, earlier that that, I was exposed to toddlers’ reading books which contained colours, pictures and words. The best thing was, during the days when my family stayed in Leicester, UK, we bought lots and lots of children books. And, most of them were purchased from car boot sales there. What’s more interesting was that the materials used to make the books. Some of my toddlers’ reading book was made from cloth, and some of the book collection I have can even float in water. Besides that, my interest in reading, during that time was partially because the vibrant and appealing colours used in those books. Until now, I found out that I’m still interested in reading children’s books because they seem so attractive and interesting. But the most important thing is that the books are easy to understand…

Since childhood, my reading purpose had only been to read for pleasure. I found reading very pleasureable especially when I have plenty and plenty of free time. During my childhood days, my favourite books were those written by Enid Blyton. I started reading his piece since I was in standard 1. In UK, books by Enid Blyton can be easily found. I was very eager at reading his stories that sometimes, I forced my mom to buy the books.
When I came back to Malaysia, I often lend the books at the school library. I can say that I love going to the school library because of Enid Blyton’s storybooks. I would be at the library during recess hours and even after school. And maybe because of that, I was chosen to be the school’s librarian.

I often wonder why I was a really passionate ready in my childhood years because now, I admit that I seldom read storybooks. That was why I noticed how big the influence of Enid Blyton was in my life. I become so addicted to his storybooks that everytime I finished one story, I will crave to read his other stories. If I am not mistaken, I have a collection of 20 Enid Blyton story books which I do not know where they were kept now. Those were my treasure back then, and I felt very proud as not many of my friends have the books even though they also loved reading them. But, to be frank, I did not read all his books. My interest was to his compilation of short stories in one book.

As children, the first I look out at a book was its cover. For me, colourful book covers convey interesting story inside. That was why I was very attached to Enid Blyton’s storybooks. The book cover comes in many colours and interesting illustrations. Besides that, his stories never disappoint me. I found happiness, excitement and imagination in reading his books. The stories were unique, creatively written, and it was very easy to understand them. I just could not remember the sensation of reading Enid Blyton’s books, but until now, the eagerness to read his books still lives within me. His stories were not serious, and that suits my reading purpose well. I grew up reading his books, and definitely that had helped me a lot in my understanding of English, and in writing comprehension in schools.

I also developed my interest in English since reading stories by him. During my childhood years, his stories became my inspiration. Now, I train my younger brothers to read books by Enid Blyton. How I wish I could turn back time and be 8 years old once again, as those were the times I cherished reading so much. All the memories were still fresh in mind, and hope that I can get the motivation from my past to help motivate me to practice reading now.